Intensive French Reading Support Program (Primary group)

Sale price Price $360.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

You've shared with us your biggest concerns for your child in French Immersion and we've listened!


Here's what's included in our  6-week Intensive French Reading Support Program. 

✅2 online, small-group sessions each week (Sundays from 5:30-6:00 and Fridays from 5:00-5:30)

✅2 in-person, small-group sessions each week at our office (5:30-6:00 on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:00 and Thursdays)

✅Activities to do at home that will reinforce what's being taught in our classes 

20% off private reading help during the 6-week program 

We are pleased to welcome all primary French Immersion or French first-language students in this group. 

We can't wait to help your child feel more confident in their French reading! 


Please note that program fees are non-refundable.